Chief Scientist
Thinkpaws Sustainability Research Foundation
As a researcher in the field of human-animal coexistence in the Global South, I am dedicated to exploring the complex interplay between urban ecology and cultural practices. Our research group focuses on the movement and behavioral patterns of opportunistic animals in urban environments, and how these patterns impact demographic outcomes and ecosystem services.
Chief Executive
Thinkpaws Sustainability Research Foundation
I thrive on building and scaling organizations that can have a real impact. With my skills, I bring simplicity to solving smaller problems clouding bigger challenges, Figure it out, get it done, and keep it going. This 3-step philosophy helps me achieve goals individually and collectively while dealing complex priorities with a mission-critical approach. And in the story of our civilization’s growth, we might just be at the point where this is what we need apart from one more thing – more fuel for missions like Thinkpaws.
Together, we are leading the vision of Thinkpaws, a think-tank for building the Science of Cities, which seeks to enhance ecosystem integrity in rapidly urbanizing regions. Our work is guided by the principle of One Health, and focuses on understanding how behavioral ecology mediates the relationships between animal populations, disease transmission, and human health. Our research is also informed by the longstanding cultural traditions of feeding and protecting non-human animals in many developing countries, and we aim to provide scientific insights into this important aspect of human-animal coexistence through Thinkpaws Sustainability Research Foundation. Our goal is to uncover deep multi-disciplinary insights on dynamic urban systems, sustainability and one health aspects modulating the human-animal and social interface. The depiction of traditional festivals makes people feel the atmosphere of the festival.
Leveraging established collaborations and support from private and govt. institutions of International repute for our research work, we are steadily building support for continued efforts in unraveling dynamics governing sustainability of urban systems which bears high thought-leadership, planning and policymaking impact potential not just for India’s future development but for the urban spaces across the planet.
Director of Edward Grey Institute,
Department of Biology.
University of Oxford
Director, Palaeogenomics & Bio-Archaeology Research Network;
School of Archaeology
University of Oxford
Ex-Dean, Faculty of Wildlife Science
Wildlife Institute of India
Head of Department, Population Management,
Capture & Rehabilitation
Wildlife Institute of India
Senior Research Fellow, School of Interdisciplinary Area Studies; Professor Emeritus of Development Studies; Emeritus Fellow of Wolfson College,
University of Oxford
Professor of Comparative Cognition,
Department of Psychology
University of Cambridge
Associate Professor,
School of Environmental Sciences
University of East Anglia
Eccellenza Professor, University of Zurich;
Associate Professor, Australian National University;
Affiliated Scientist, Max Planck Institute of Animal Behavior
(Retd.) Professor of Wildlife Health and Emerging Disease, Veterinary Scientist
Royal Veterinary College, London
Department of Ecology and Evolution
University of Chicago
Department of Conservation Biology, Estación Biológica de Doñana - CSIC
Professor of Ethno-ornithology
Department of Biology, University of Oxford
Professor of Urban Ecology & Director of the Urban Systems Lab
The New School, New york
Departmental Lecturer
Management Science, Said Business School, University of Oxford
Associate Professor
Indian Institute of Technology, Gandhinagar
Centre for the Study of Developing Societies
Research Director
Oxford India Centre for Sustainable Development,
University of Oxford
Postdoctoral Researcher
KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kenya
Senior Lecturer
Cross-Cultural Psychiatry;
University College London
University Lecturer
Dept. of Geography,
University of Cambridge
University of East Anglia, U.K.
Lecturer in Biology (Animal Behaviour)
Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge
Associate Professor Department of Humanities and Social Sciences IISER Pune
Centre for South Asian Studies. Senior Lecturer, School of Geosciences. University of Edinburgh
International Finance Corporation
Veterinary Epidemiologist,
DBT/Wellcome Trust UK Fellow; College of Veterinary Science, (Assam)
Assistant Veterinary Officer
National Zoological Park, Delhi
Research Fellow
Wildlife Conservation Research Unit
Associate Director, Urban Systems Lab, New School, New York
Principal Scientist
Tata Institute of Genetics and Society
Director General
Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises. Government of Haryana.
A. P. Leventis Ornithological Research Institute. University of Jos, Nigeria
D.Phil. Scholar
Interdisciplinary dimensions of human-wildlife systems, University of Oxford
Phylogenetics; Phylogeography; Disease Ecology
Black Kite Project, WII
Ph.D. SCHOLAR, Science and Conservation Education Homi Bhabha Centre for Science Education
Ph.D. SCHOLAR Spatial population dynamics of wildlife. University of Georgia
PROJECT BIOLOGIST Molecular Ecology, Conservation Genomics WII
RESEARCH SCHOLAR Hindhi Literature Jamia Millia Islamia, Delhi